Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

How much Life Insurance do you have?

How much #LifeInsurance do you have, and how much of that is through your work?
If you have children you both you and your spouse should have 20X's your annual Income.
Also at least $25,000 on each of your children. God forbid they die, you don't want to have to think of the bill that will come with that.


Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

How much do you really love your family???

How much of your yearly income does your family use to live?
Beside the clothes on your back and the food you eat...Maybe 100%??? If you were to die today, how may years would they want your income replaced for?? 10 years, till the kids are out of the house? Till Retirement age? or for the rest of your spouses life if they could? Answer me this, what would the $Dollar amount$ be in an account, based on a conservative ROR of 5% yearly, that would kick out your yearly income?? (income-divided by-.05=Amount) How much do you really love your family???

 #lifeinsurance #longtermcare

Monday, June 1, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Over time, changes in your income or family affect your need for #lifeinsurance. Have you changed jobs, hand a child, your parents moved in with you, a child moved out? When was the last time you reviewed your #lifeinsurancepolicy ???
