Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

How much Life Insurance do you have?

How much #LifeInsurance do you have, and how much of that is through your work?
If you have children you both you and your spouse should have 20X's your annual Income.
Also at least $25,000 on each of your children. God forbid they die, you don't want to have to think of the bill that will come with that.


Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

How much do you really love your family???

How much of your yearly income does your family use to live?
Beside the clothes on your back and the food you eat...Maybe 100%??? If you were to die today, how may years would they want your income replaced for?? 10 years, till the kids are out of the house? Till Retirement age? or for the rest of your spouses life if they could? Answer me this, what would the $Dollar amount$ be in an account, based on a conservative ROR of 5% yearly, that would kick out your yearly income?? (income-divided by-.05=Amount) How much do you really love your family???

 #lifeinsurance #longtermcare

Monday, June 1, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Over time, changes in your income or family affect your need for #lifeinsurance. Have you changed jobs, hand a child, your parents moved in with you, a child moved out? When was the last time you reviewed your #lifeinsurancepolicy ???


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

 #Termlifeinsurance is not permanent, and if you have chosen this type of insurance, only death or terminal illness that occurs within the contract period will make you / your beneficiary eligible to be paid; if it occurs outside of the stipulated period, then unfortunately you will not receive anything and your premiums will have been wasted.


Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Financial Plan

Which of your #FinancialProducts provide these Benefits:
Guaranteed #DeathBenefit, Premiums Guaranteed never to increase, Guaranteed Cash Value, Additional Growth through Dividends, Tax-Deferred Cash Value Growth, Protected from Creditors, Tax-Free Access to Cash Values, Income Tax-Free Death Benefit

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day!

Never Give In

“The pessimist sees the problems in every opportunity. Whereas the optimist sees the opportunity in every problem”…“Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense” Sir Winston Chruchill
SHARE this with others, so they will keep moving forward!


Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the day!


#LongTermCareInsurance can be a nice size Write-Off for business owners. Business owners can put it on all there employees and write off each policy. If you would like to learn more Speros Financial can help.

#lifeinsurance #buylifeinsurance

Friday, May 29, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the day!

Start a Tradition

#Lifeinsurance Lead by example and Start a tradition that will pass its way down. Lock in your child's or grandchild's Insurability early with #WholeLifeInsurance savings for their future.
For more info Speros Financial

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day

Speros Financial Life Insurance Tip of the Day

Peace of Mind

#Lifeinsurance is one of the only financial products that you can buy that does not directly benefit you, unless you use whole life insurance to save for your retirement. Life insurance does offer you a priceless benefit; #peaceofmind that in the event you die unexpectedly, your family will not suffer financially. They will still grieve but at least they will not have to worry about keeping a roof over their heads while they are grieving.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Speros Financial Hot tip of the Day!!

Here Are 6 Things That Can Derail Your Retirement Plan

Planning for retirement involves a lot of to-dos -- everything from assessing your lineup of mutual funds to determining a retirement saving goal appropriate for your personal objectives. But as you approach that retirement date, which has for so long seemed like a mirage in the desert, it's common for your excitement to be sidelined by a rush of questions, the biggest one being, "How much can I really afford to spend?"
To truly get a picture of what you're able to pay out in your golden years, you need to create a retirement spending budget long before you actually stop working. To cover your bases, make sure you account for the unexpected, such as the following.
A struggling relative
A 2013 Merrill Lynch and Age Wave survey showed that 62% of people over 50 had given financial assistance to a family member in the previous five years. It stands to reason that many of you nearing retirement -- or already in retirement -- will be faced with this situation at some point. Deciding to help a friend or family member in need is a personal choice, but try to heed this advice: Set repayment terms and never lend money you can't afford not to get back.

Repairs, maintenance, and replacements
During retirement, you will inevitably run into some big expenses involving the big-ticket items you own. Your car will need servicing, your roof might need repairing, and those kitchen appliances won't last forever. Factoring these expenses into your retirement plan will help you avoid the sticker shock of having to replace the furnace or central air conditioning.

Fido's medical care
Pet-care expenses increased by 87% between 2001 and 2012, and given that 68% of American households have at least one pet, chances are you'll need to budget for the care and treatment of your furry friend. If your pet requires surgery at any time for illness or injury, it could cost thousands of dollars. Build these potential expenses into your budget and consider investing in pet insurance -- or even socking away money for pet expenses in a separate emergency fund.
Next up, having a plan for your retirement savings -- before it's time to take distributions -- will help you avoid burning through the money you spent years saving. Once you have a spending budget in place, here are some retirement account mistakes you'll want to avoid.

Getting dinged by the IRS because of your required minimum distribution
An RMD is the minimum amount anyone over the age of 70-1/2 is required to withdraw annually from their retirement accounts (although RMD rules do not apply to Roth IRAs while the account owner is alive). Every year, thousands of people fail to take RMDs, incurring a 50% tax on the amount that was supposed to be withdrawn. Your plan custodian or administrator can usually help calculate your RMD, but it's ultimately up to you to ensure you withdraw the correct amount each year by the deadline (typically Dec. 31, but for those first turning 70-1/2, this can be delayed until April 1 of the following year).

Failing to stay invested as a retiree
Now that we're living longer, it's easy to see that we'll need to make our money last longer, too. As such, you'll need the extra growth potential from continuing to invest in a mix of stocks and bonds. You don't want to get too conservative as you approach retirement, or you may risk outliving your savings.

Spending too much of your gains in an up market
It's easy to feel comfortable and "splurge" when the market performs well. But if the stock market goes up 30% or more (as some stock market indexes did in 2013), that doesn't mean you should go on a shopping spree. Continuing to live on the same fixed budget will help cover you during the next "problem" year.
You only get one shot at retirement, and you deserve to get it right. If you're concerned about your distribution strategy or how to stay invested in your golden years, contact a Professional investment advisor who can help you design a plan based on your individual situation.

This $19 trillion industry could destroy the Internet
One bleeding-edge technology is about to put the World Wide Web to bed. And if you act quickly, you could be among the savvy investors who enjoy the profits from this stunning change. Experts are calling it the single largest business opportunity in the history of capitalism...The Economist is calling it "transformative"... But you'll probably just call it "how I made my millions."

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Speros Financial New tip for today!

Speros Financial New tip for today!
https://www.google.com/+VossSperos 602-531-5141

Discussing finances with your family: Ideas & inspiration
Talking now can save heartaches and headaches later
"How will we manage the bills while Dad is in assisted living?"
"Have you designated a durable power of attorney?"
"Where does Mom keep her will?"
"Has anybody found the key to the safe deposit box?"
“Does anyone know the code to opening the garage door? We can’t sell the house without it.”
Is there ever an ideal time to discuss important matters with family members? When a family member wants to discuss topics like the ones above, the most likely response is "You're right it's important, but now’s not a good time. Let's talk later." But with busy schedules and multiple priorities, let’s face it: Sometimes "later" never comes. And then it may be too late.
What can we do? 
Holidays are often a good time to at least broach the topic with other family members. More often than not, the conversation will be put off to a later date, but if you open the door and keep the resolve to have a full discussion it can save a lot of headaches and potential heartaches.
The fact is, anytime is a good time to discuss important issues – and right now is even better. There are many advantages to talking about important family matters as soon as possible, including:
·         People can explain their decisions and concerns about their estate plans, and keep their loved ones in the loop.
·         Family members can express their thoughts and concerns.
·         Discussions like these can strengthen family bonds, bringing the people you love closer together, and avoiding misunderstandings.
·         It can offer everyone involved greater peace of mind and clarity about future And don't just do it once. Try to keep the conversation going and review decisions on an annual basis - or whatever time frame is most appropriate for your family’s circumstances. And – thanks to technology - family members don't have to even be in the same room, or even continent, anymore. E-mail, text, Skype, Web chat, Facetime – whatever helps keep the dialogue going. But sometimes just a face to face talk with an aging parent or spouse can help put planning in motion. Whatever format you choose, just know there is no time like right now for settling issues like: "Where do you keep the deed to the house?"
Family Matters: A Checklist
Here’s a recommended list of topics to cover - feel free to copy and use it at your family meeting, adding items as needed.
Adult family members might be encouraged to review it before an initial conversation, and then use each item as a platform for discussion. Think of it as a conversation starter:
1.      Do I have an updated will? (Attorneys usually recommend that all adults have one, not just senior family members.)
2.      Are there specific family heirlooms I would like to give to a specific family member (or something special you would like to receive some day?) These decisions can be included in your will.
3.      Do I have guardians for minor children?
4.      Do I have a durable power of attorney?
5.      Do I have a living will and medical power of attorney? You have a legal right to specify the level of care you wish to receive if you are incapacitated. Most of all, you can designate the individuals responsible for making such decisions.
6.      Are my life insurance, pension, IRA and annuity beneficiary designations current?
7.      Are all my important documents in one place, such as a safe deposit box? Are designated family members' names on the signature card?
8.      Do I have a list of important information available? This might include: bank and other account numbers, life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other assets, as well as the names and contact information of your attorney, accountant, New York Life agent, and other professionals.
9.      Do I need to contact my attorney to update my will, or my New York Life agent to review my life insurance and other financial concerns?
Keeping It Organized
Sometimes it’s difficult to have the answers to any of these questions right at your fingertips. When it comes to your finances, few people have time to file all their paperwork. But it’s important to know where you can find your life insurance policy or will, should something come up. So, we came up with something to help.
The LifeFolio System: Your Lifetime Financial Organizer, is a financial checklist and filing system that not only helps you organize what you have, but it helps you identify what you may need down the road. Best of all, you can get one free from your Speros Financial agent.
In fact, even if you don’t have a Speros Financial agent, you can simply contact us and request LifeFolio. You'll receive the entire kit when you meet with us for a free consultation.

Just fill in the “Question Box” on the right of this page, and we’ll do the rest. Simple, done. Don't wait any longer. Take the time to sit down with the people you love and discuss these important matters – then get on to the other important matters in life.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Gift of the day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Gift of the day!
https://www.google.com/+VossSperos 602-531-5141

You have phone insurance, car insurance, home insurance, health insurance, dental insurance and vision insurance...All these things so your life style can stay the same....Then why do you have Life Insurance so your families life style can stay the same!!

#LifeInsurancePhoenix #RetirementStrategiesPhoenix
Spence Cassidy and Associates

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Gift of the day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Gift of the day!
https://www.google.com/+VossSperos 602-531-5141

How many reasons do you have to have Life Insurance?

Is your spouse a good reason? Are you children a good reason? I know my lil girl is the most important reason I have Life Insurance!

If I were to die my daughter and her mother would be financially secure for the rest of their lives!

I ask you this....Can you say that out loud to your family? Knowing in your heart that it is true and not just words.

If you can't then call your Life Insurance Agent today and review your policies!

Vasilios "Voss" Speros 602-531-5141
Spence Cassidy and Associates
#LifeInsurancePhoenix #RetirementStrategiesPhoenix

Monday, February 23, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Gift of the day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Gift of the day!
https://www.google.com/+VossSperos 602-531-5141

Life insurance costs less then you may think.... if you compare the cost of life insurance to the end result of not having it and leaving your family destitute....

Than what is your excuse for not having it? Try using that excuse on your family and see what they think!!

#LifeInsurancePhoenix #RetirementStrategiesPhoenix
Spence Cassidy and Associates

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Speros Financial Life Insurance Gift of the day!

Speros Financial Life Insurance Gift of the day!
https://www.google.com/+VossSperos 602-531-5141

How much life insurance do you have? If the amount you have equals 20 Times your annual yearly income then you have enough...

If not, you are leaving your family unprotected!!

#LifeInsurancePhoenix #RetirementStrategiesPhoenix
Spence Cassidy and Associates